
Contact Me On our journey to find ourselves, we get confused along the way. We start believing false statements about ourselves and life. People teach us as children what their impressions of life is. What they learned and negatively believe of themselves becomes too difficult to bear and they pass it on. We repeat the patterns. This all negatively influences our life, health and relationships. KNOW THIS! You always have choices. God has given us a brain to find out for ourselves who we really are. Don't settle for anything but the very best in your life, your health and for yourself. Have the willingness and courage to change. I look forward to meeting you. -Dr. Erika Duffy For a free consultation, or information on classes or workshops, feel free to contact me below or by direct email. Email:

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Is life really so unpredictable? Why do we feel so out of control? Can any reality exist? Why do some people struggle so much while other seem to have it so easy?

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Best-Selling Author

Dr. Erika Duffy is in two best sellers with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Mark Victor Hansen